- New version 3.1 for all HUDs!
(Optimization scripts and set free more memory usage of animations. Fixed bug with skating your avavar when you turn AO Off.)
- New system of update
(We made new system of update, now if you want to get the update you must receive our notices in Group or using subscribe system to see when you will need update your AO. Just click on button Update (Menu Options). This is system has been created because some of our customers would like to use old version and doesn't want to have message about update each time when they login in-world. So, now update will be automatically if you want it). You can use this button anywhere you want, at home, at work, at any region as you want. I think, is it better ?
- New chat commands
(Old version of commands has some scripts error, new scripts doesn't has this bugs and working ideally)
/aoreset - resets the scripts
/aonext - Cycles to the next 'Standing' animation, or a random 'Standing' animation, based on random/sequential setting (see below). On the random setting, this may end up choosing the same 'Standing' animation that's currently playing
/aooff - turns AO HUD off. Normal AO ON means on, Red means off.
/aoon - turns AO HUD on. Normal AO ON means on, Red means off.
/aositoff - Selects whether the 'Sitting' animation is played when you sit on an object. Turn this off for vehicles, poseballs etc
/aositon - Selects whether the 'Sitting' animation is played when you sit on an object. Turn this off for vehicles, poseballs etc
/aosettings - Displays the current settings
/aosits - Lets you choose a 'Sitting' animations
/aowalks - Lets you choose a 'Walking' animation
/aosit - Fast sit on ground, if you do not want or can not sit on ground you can use this option. Choose groundsits animation on your menu. (Menu - Ground sit)
- New feature of faster sit on ground
(Special option for someone, who would like to sit on ground and do not want to load another notecard, we are still put in AO Groundsit notecard, but now you can use small option to sit on ground just say /aosit in local chat. And you also can use your menu-groundsit to choose a sit animation. Probably, in next time we will remove all groundsits notecards, because this option is more easy to use.)
So, let's start the update...
Thank you all, who would like to have new AO HUD 3.1 and who helped us to make it better! Thanks for yours ideas and suggestions! We appreciate it so much!
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